Friday, July 12, 2013

Snibbles and Snuffs

Tick Tock.

I feel like I'm biding my time until Monday.  That all of a sudden, with Ethan at camp where he will learn and play and have a grand ol' time I will find my motivation and become a whirlwind of productivity.

I can say, having a bit of knowledge about the history of me, that most likely that first day I'll lie on the floor with Toby and just bask in the ONENESS that comes with just ONE child to attend to for a prolonged time.  Also, NAP TIME Y'ALL!

The only person pressuring me to address the Room O' Doom and the Pile O' Laundry from H E Doublehockeystixs is ME.  Just me.  It will get done though.  3/4 of the main floor of the house is lookin' pretty dandy.  Ugh, this housewife stay at home mom sweaty is ITCHY *twitch twitch*

Ergle snibbles and snuffs.  That is what my brain is doing.  Grumbling and digging its proverbial toe in the dirt.  Responsibility and shit yo.  Need to finish my "book" but haven't heard a peep from my test group of readers.  It makes me think that it was a HUGE mistake sending it out to people.  That they all hate it and that I suck so badly they don't want to tell me so they just never bring it up because, "Shhhhhh if you don't look her in the eye she won't ask and then we won't have to tell her . . ."  Except I won't be technically looking anyone of them in the eye.  Really.  Anyway.  UGH. 

On another completely different note than the overwhelming procrastination that is looming, I met a new friend.

It was quite an event.  The initial contact that should have happened for a completely different event never did quite happen.  But then another contact was made for a completely different reason and it wasn't until I contacted her to do Toby's one year photos that we put it all together.  Follow?  Erm.  No?  This awesome lady answered an "ad" of sorts in the local community forum for baby stuffs I was offloading.  And then I contacted her through another website on her business page for the aforementioned photo session.  We didn't put it together until the day we met that she was the same person inquiring about baby stuff.  AND THEN . . . through the course of conversation she asked if I liked to knit and I found out she was the lady I was supposed to contact about the knitting group!

So there.  Three people I was supposed to follow up with in regards to three completely different things and it was ONE PERSON.  Score!

Oh, lastly.  TOBY IS CUTTING 4 MOLARS AT ONCE!  What the eff did I do to deserve this!  What did my poor wee do to deserve this!  I believe I described him today as a screeching Tasmanian Devil in a diaper . . . and that my only method of soothing him was to put this tooth gnashing, thrashing, grasping, biting creature on my BREAST to sooth him.  Yes, I've been bit.  I don't want to talk about it.  *pout*

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