Friday, August 16, 2013

Words . . .

In case you hadn't noticed, I tend to be prolific.  I enjoy writing in many forms and it is a great exercise for my baby soaked brain.  Werdz?  I haz werdz in ma brainz?  Yes, yes I do.

I have been writing for a long time.  Some stories seemed awesome (still do) and some petered out after I got whatever "writing bug" had burrowed into my consciousness onto paper.  (Or computer errr . . . screen.)

I start stories all the damn time.  I have A.D.D. when it comes to writing.  I get super excited, plunk a couple dozen (or hundred) pages down and then . . . . fizzzzzzzzzzzzzzle.  I walk away.  And then the next shiny idea happens and I'm all like, "Ahhhh I lurve the shinies!" and I write furiously for a few days/week and then fizzle out again.

I mostly write fantasy, but some plain fiction.  I've never written an urban fantasy bit that felt original enough to pursue; however, I never write fan fic either. I've made one foray into what I'd loosely call urban sci-fi.

Well, a few years ago I had an emotion that needed to be expressed.  So I started a story.  I am not an organized writer.  I rarely sit down with an outline, I lose track of characters and plot lines because this is how I am when I write . . .


As you can see it gets a bit hectic in my brain so I just dump it all out.  Then I go back and edit, edit, edit and edit some more.  Then I generally lose interest because the whole reason I even started writing was for ME and no one else is ever going to read it.

Well, now I done did it.  I actually FINISHED a story.  I've had (or rather asked) OTHER people to read it.  I haven't actually gotten much feedback yet (except I need to add page numbers . . .) so I'm not really sure if people think it is better used as toilet paper or they are just busy with their lives.  I suspect it is the latter.

Regardless, I finished it last night.  The ending needs to be heavily edited.  I swear no matter how many times I try to shorten something, it ends up longer.  Need to simplify?  Do it!  But let's add some more because my brain keeps making wordssssssss.

I've joined a writer's workshop in town but have yet to attend a meeting because it is at 6:30, prime dinner/bedtime hustle in our house with two wee kids.  I've also researched self-publishing (no thanks) and probably found ever single tip on how to "write better/more efficiently/more obsessively."  I write because it is fun for me.  I doubt I'll ever be super organized.  But that is okay.  We'll see where it goes.  I'll keep writing forever I suspect.  And if no one ever likes it, that is okay too.  Because I like what I write so na-na-na-na-boo-boo.

My house might be a messy but I FINISHED a story!


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