Saturday, May 25, 2013


I'm not really very feminine.  But I think I can say that I do secretly LIKE to be feminine.  I mean, who doesn't like feeling pretty?

But here, down in the trenches with two young'ns my needs are always last.  Like, pretty much below the dogs and cats most of the time.  Now, now, I KNOW this will change in a few years when the kids are a bit more independent and such but right now I look like crap.  I feel like crap and I dress like crap.

I was never a fashionista by any stretch mind you, but I didn't think I dressed too poorly prior to kids.  (Did I?)

Anyway, for the first time in a long time today I got my toenails painted.  (Don't all faint at once.)

When first broached with the invite of a pedicure I waffled.  Eh, too girly, eh, touching my feet, eh . . . *grumbles*  But then, I mentally kicked myself and said SURE.  And this happened: 
Cute huh?  I really, really like them!  Something girly that I like!!  Then, something else happened.  The trio of women I was tagging along with made me buy *drum roll* DRESSES.  TWO OF THEM!  They all assured me that they looked cute on me.  I had my doubts, but maybe with nice hair, nice shoes, etc they will elevate to cute status. 

So, despite MOAR flooding and circumnavigation, the trip out and about with my lovely in-law sisters/niece was so incredibly awesome.  I had a great time, even though we were shopping.

Ethanism:  Ethan has taken to mimicking me (boy howdy do I need to watch what I say!)  So today, we were in the basement and I was trying to entice him upstairs because it was cold and I was tired (cue violin.)  He looked at me with a straight face and said, "The thing is, mom, that I want to watch a movie down here.  That is what I want."  I; however, could NOT keep a straight face.  He is too funny sometimes . . .
Tobyism:  This evening I drew him a nice warm bath and that lil' water baby was so happy he couldn't contain it.  Kicking the whole time (as he normally does) he added arm swimming motions in with it.  I floated him on his belly and he "chased" his little ball in the tub, giggling the whole time. 
Profound Moment: Realizing that I really, really do not like seeing myself in a mirror.
Web Discoveries:  Another mommyblog that shines light on something so simple yet so incredibly important to your children.  I could take a lesson from her.  I really try . . .

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