Are you sitting there, right now, thinking . . . "What?! She can't handle her own kid?!" No, I can totally handle him. What I fear is losing my temper. What I fear is that moment that happens pretty much multiple times a week where both boys are screaming and crying, only the 3 year old is louder and more physical but I still have to deal with lil' brudder first. I can't think, can't speak properly and want to shed my skin and run screaming into the woods. If you are a parent and you are reading this thinking I'm being dramatic and you've never felt this way then you are lying to yourself . . . or you blocked it from memory. Parents are humans too! I don't enjoy being the verbal and physical punching bag for a three year old any more than you would. I'm hoping he takes it in stride. We are half way through 3. I think some things I'm trying desperately to teach him are sinking in. Frustrated? Try asking mommy in a big boy voice to help instead of screaming like an banshee from the netherworld and flailing about. Asking the same question 20 times and expecting a different answer? Ears, those things on your head, use 'em. Hitting your brother? Never, ever, okay.
Even though he only started in January, he has made friends and absolutely loves it at school. And more importantly, he had a routine. Ethan loves his routines (I'm assuming most kids do . . .) He sort of goes molten LAVA on me when his routine is thrown off. I'm hoping that with family visiting and the incoming Playset of Awesomeness (pictures to come . . .) the gap of no school three days a week will be somewhat filled. It isn't like there is a shortage of awesome things to do in Burlington.
Also, I'm really hoping that when I go to my girlie doctor on the 13th they can give me some magic pills to make my body A-OK again. Because, lets just say that fluctuating hormones do not help out my issue with (no) patience very well.
Please don't think I need to pawn my kid off on others to survive. But it sure is nice to know he is learning, playing and enjoying himself in a safe environment that isn't my house. September can't come fast enough. Or maybe, this time will be awesome and special and I'll get to take the time to learn about Ethan in a way I wouldn't with him gone 3 days a week. Toby will be walking soon and maybe having Ethan around will be a boon to help wrangle the lil' brudder.
I'm really hoping the super sweet cuddly side of my big boy flares up big and bright because I could really use a lot of good Ethan cuddles and hugs. That kid is the tops at hugs.
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Sure Mom, you can have a hug. |
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