Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Build it and they will come . . .

So, one day I was in Costco and there it was.  The clouds parted, angels sang and my pupils dilated.  It was a play gym to eat all other play gyms.  Everything about it was perfect and instantly I was all Veruca Salt, "I WANT IT AND I WANT IT NOW!"

I've seen so many play gyms over the years and frequented quite a few playgrounds and there is always one part of it that I think is completely unsafe and/or superfluous.  Well, let me tell you THIS one was pure awesome.

So, it was purchased (thanks to my mother-in-law!) and the very heavy boxes sat in our garage.  The husband maintained that he could assemble it but it looked like the a friggin' castle in the store so I was a tad skeptical.  Also, I knew if I helped him with this it would most certainly cause some friction in our marriage as well as some injuries of some sort.  From assembling the play set . . . injuries from THAT.  Riiiight.

Anyway, the aforementioned mother-in-law offered to have "professionals" assemble it.  A reputable dude was found that had an equally handy partner dude and lo and behold . . . a day and a half later . . . *cue the HALLELUJAHS*

Two story club house with a too steep slide (will be fixed.)

A ridiculously happy 3 1/2 year old

Swing for Toby, Ethan and a bar for Tarzan (just kidding - but I used it and realized I'm REALLY out of shape.)

Mulch to be added, rocks to be removed because you know SAFETY and NOCRACKEDSKULLZ.

There is a wee door in the shade if you squint.  The perfect play set has the perfect play house!

Now, bring on the play dates peeps!

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