There once were two women who didn't know one another at all. But the hubby of one worked with the other and they both found out they were pregnant. FRIENDS. Pregnant buddies. It was awesome.
Then we popped. Idella came first and then 9 1/2 weeks later Ethan arrived. We took our first pictures together when Ethan was 3 days old and Idella was almost 2 1/2 months old.
Brand new Ethan, almost brand new Idella |
As our babies grew, it just made sense to team up. We had play dates probably 3 days a week, if not more often. Ethan always seemed to be about Idella's size, her being a precious peanut and he being the husky wee. He was quiet and patient and she was somewhat bossy (but cute doing it.) He was just happy to be playing with another kid (not a cat or mommy.)
Ethan 2 months, Idella 4 1/2 months! |
Ethan 2 months, Idella 4 1/2 months |
Ethan 9 weeks, Idella 19 weeks! |
Ethan 4 months, Idella 6 1/2 months! |
Ethan 7 months, Idella 9 1/2 months! |
Idella's first birthday! September 2010 |
Ethan 18 months, Idella 20 months! |
Idella gained a sister and I was able to love on wee Madelyn for a few months . . .
And then after 2 years our friends moved away :( It was a good move for them, lots of great opportunities but I was still a very sad panda.
But they came back to visit a few times and we got to hang out and they got to meet Toby!
Halloween 2011 - Idella 2+ years and Ethan almost 2! |
Hanging out! |
07/27/12 Ethan 2 1/2 and Idella a few months shy of 3! |
"Because, because I like you." |
They are coming to visit this weekend and I'm beyond thrilled. Well, technically they are not visiting US (they are coming for a family wedding.) But I feel like they are COMING TO VISIT US! Very, very excited!
06/09/13 - 3 1/2 years old of awesome. |
Update! Today was glorious. A good solid visit. (Far too short for my liking but one can't be greedy with this sort of thing.) The kids played really well . . . mostly . . . ah, who am I kidding? Two 3 1/2 year olds, an almost 2 year old and Toby (who really napped most of the visit) makes for a few squabbles here and there. But still, they had a wonderful time with one another despite the parental referees. Miss you guys! Hope to see you at Montshire Museum soon!
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