Monday, June 10, 2013


My littlest wee is sick.  Fever but no other symptoms.  It has been fluctuating between 104+ and 101.5 since yesterday afternoon.  Thankfully it is coming down with fever reducers but bouncing right back up.  Took him in to the pediatrician's office and they assured me his ears and lungs sounded great and it was viral . . . to wait it out.

It is one of those times where I want to be all Mother Hen and gather my chicks underneath my fluffy bum.  Shield them from "all the bad things."  I feel so rough around the edges that I want them to stay smooth forever.  Especially something as intangible as a fever.  I can't fight it, fix it or make it better.  We just have to ride it out.

My little boys are such troopers when they are sick.  Toby, rocking a 104+ temp is giggling and playing on the floor with his big blue ball.  Maybe he is slower or quick to fuss but he powers onward.  I know he is uncomfortable.  And when his little body starts to shiver uncontrollably because the fever has spikes I want to unravel at the seams because it is just so heartbreaking. 

Probably the only good thing about Toby being sick is that he turns into the cuddliest lil' guy.  I would be lying if I said I didn't like that part of it . . .

It is supposed to rain all day tomorrow so I will force a Pajama Day upon Ethan and hope the little Toby Wee feels better.

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