Friday, September 27, 2013


I was working on this huge "Down Memory Lane" post . . . and well, I ran out of steam and THEN I didn't want to post anything else until I finished it because well, I thought that would be incentive to finish it but yea . . .



We had family photos done the other evening and despite my fear that I would look like Jabba the Hut in all of them they came out wonderful!  I'm very excited :)  Our first "real" family photos.  It was only mildly painful for Matt.

Other than that we've been tromping along in kid land.  You know, schoolnapsdinnahsleepietime rinse, rinse repeat.  Toby is finally over the worst of his several weeks of teething angst.  No teeth in sight but they are impending.  Ethan is having a wonderful time at school and I feel more connected through a snazzy webcam and also posted pictures on their school's FB page.  You know, sometimes it is good to live in the land of technology.

I'm behind on writing and knitting, but almost caught up with laundry.  The kitchen has stayed a 7/10 clean for about 4 days now so I think I need a medal.  We finally had to turn on the heat but I still rebel during the day and open as many windows as I can.  I love when it is cool but not damp.  Heaven.

Oh yea, and I attended a MOPS meeting.  A mom thing . . . at a church.  Surprised?  Yea well, lightening didn't strike and I met a lot of really wonderful women there.  Not to mention that "my" group had two very good friends in it.  Connections!  Whaaaa . . . social life?  Working on it!

I'm sad to miss a friend's birthday shindig tonight but with the kiddos and timing it just won't work.  Another one of those, "When Toby is weaned" moments.  Then I think . . . GAH DON'T WEAN!!! 

We met another mom and her two small boyish creatures at a park today and the gaggle of boys got a lot of squirrel chasing, acorn collecting and hide the wood chip in various parts of clothing time in.  Toby walked and talked the whole time.  He is so very independent.  It is a bit daunting.  This morning Toby said, "light."  This afternoon he repeated, "bear" after a little girl commented on his zipper pull.  Yesterday he said, "cat."  Man, it is happening!

Anyway, just life is happening.  This weekend we attend a birthday party and then on Sunday we are going to the SHEEP AND WOOL FESTIVAL HOLLLAH!  Aherm.  Yes, There is the Vermont Sheep and Wool Festival this weekend in Tunbridge.  I've never been out that way so it should be an adventure.  I'm beyond excited and a lil' nervous because I'll be around a lot of yarn.  Like, a LOT.  So, fun pictures!

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