We traveled to Tunbridge, Vermont on Saturday the 28th of September (yes I'm behind . . . always.) A mere hour and a half on a gorgeous fall day. Admittedly, I went for yarn, but knew that the kids would enjoy the animals. Well, this was no Fiber Frolic of Maine. But, it will do. And yes, I got some awesomely yummy yarn as well. Pictures in 5 . . . 4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . 1
The first animals we found after wandering around for way too long were some goats for sale. They were in high sided pens and the kids couldn't really see into them without climbing up. Ethan was disappointed (as was I!) |
Toby tried to see the goats . . . but it was a no go(at.) |
Ethan found little screens that he could peek at them through but still . . . disappointment was rampant. |
BUT THEN! We found the "real" animal barn! With very friendly alpacas! |
Well, more like one really friendly alpaca. Seriously, this gelding must have been bottle fed. |
Squishing on some cute sheep of course. |
Maple ice cream is the best!! Ethan shall not be deterred from his love of ice cream. In all fairness it was a HOT day! |
I ate most of mommy's maple milkshake too! |
Toby was not impressed. |
One very small, teeny tiny glimpse at some of the yarn they had on display. It was seriously sensory overload. But the kiddos were pretty patient with momma who wanted to squish all the yarn. |
My favorite sheep! |
My second favorite sheep! |
We finally let the Toby Monster free and he was happy as can be. |
Just walkin' around, wind in my hair. |
Ethan decided to play a rather spirited game of "I'm the sheep dog and Toby is the sheep!" Toby was having a blast stretching his wee legs. |
This game continued almost all the way back to the parking lot. While Toby wanted to walk, Ethan wanted to ride in the stroller. It was an interesting juxtaposition! |
A quickie snapshot on the way home. This does no justice whatsoever to the beauty that is New England in the Fall. One of these years I will have to join the Leaf Peepers and get some good shots! |
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