Heh. So, my brain is fried. I started this post on Monday. But as you can see it is Thursday. This tricky fatigue is not my friend. Also, Toby cutting 4 canines at once and not sleeping through the night . . . not my friend. Toby needs to stop being such an over achiever with teething . . . I mean GAWD!
Anyway, this past Saturday we popped over to Chapin's Orchard. A hop, skip and 15 minutes away and it was awesome. Thankfully it wasn't like our
Strawberry Fest adventure and both kids were all smiles and cooperation. Plus I think apple picking is so different than strawberry picking. You can literally stand at one tree and get like a bazillion apples off them. It is rad. Also, I bought apple pie and had it for dinner. And also, it was worth it.
I mean . . . that face! He was stoked! |
Seriously, this was the most normal smile I got out of him . . . |
Oh no, don't go for the apples you can reach, kid. |
Streeeeetch! |
Got one! |
Eh, it looks kind of small . . . |
But OMIGOSH mom it is yummy! |
Lil' Brudder approves of deez appolez as well! |
What'r we gonna do 'bout all these appolez ma?! |
The HAUL. |
Some trees. |
So many yummy Gala apples. |
Hay Ride back to the barn! |
I mean . . . the face says it all. |
In short, this was the perfect place to bring two small creature-children to pick and enjoy apples. Chapin's gets two thumbs up in the mommy approval department. We are thinking of cheating on Chapin's and visiting Adam's Orchard this upcoming weekend. Stay tuned for the drama.
Now . . . for the DOGS. We ventured back to the awesome Shelburne Museum for their Dog Days event on Sunday. We met Auntie La there with Ammi and their wee Maltese, Jiminy Cricket. Or, as we call him - Nim. He was dressed appropriately in a "Security" shirt. Heck, I know I felt safer with him there!
The event was, in a word, AWESOME. At least I was filled with awe. I suspect Toby was as well. Ethan didn't seem too impressed beyond the impression he got that we could actually pick out a dog and bring one home. Ahem. Yea.
We stayed twice as long as I thought they had the patience for . . . at one point we were actually at the car but hey, who am I to deny a 3 year old continuous carousel rides?! Besides, Toby finally gave in and slept in his stroller (whew!)
I can't wait to go back next year without a stroller. It will also be nice to have at least one child who might have some interest in the things that I wanted to see (heh, I know . . . right?) Like the agility training, the police dog demo, the DockDogs jumping dogs . . . oh the list goes on. But the carousel was fun too! Also, we hopped on the boat which is something we didn't do last time. The stroller hindered most of our exploration but maybe next time if I'm not solo I can strap the TobyWee on my back and go "adventuring" with EthanWee.
It was a bit windy! |
We had good security though! |
Many, many (many) carousel rides! |
Police dog demonstration (I was dutifully impressed.) |
Chocolate ice cream of course!! |
DockDogs representing with some flying pups! |
One day we will actually go in the train . . . |
Onto the boat! (Ethan has clearly lost his ability to smile like a normal child . . .) |
Practicing his levitation techniques on the bow of the Ticonderoga! |
My favorite goofball! |
Poor Toby got left at the bottom of the stairs . . . |
I had a major dog crush on this gorgeous Irish Wolfhound bitch. She was spectacular. |
Ethan found another kid and ran off down a grassy knoll. Watch out for the boat!!!!! |
Windblown TobyWee |
Don't worry, Toby got some "out of the stroller" time! |
Brudders playing with rocks! The End. |
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Amazing Blog!!! Can you do one for me too ;) Love seeing the beautiful photos of your boys and amazing writing from mama.