Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tantruming - NotQuite - Twos

So, dear Toby has hit the "almost 2" phase of temper tantrums.  I've been here before and know that what he is doing is normal.  Sadly, it doesn't make it any less frustrating. 

We were "supposed to" attend Big Truck Day this past Saturday in Hinesburg.  We attended last year and Ethan LOVED it.  I was completely excited and so was Matt.  He was taking me out to Bristol Bakery for lunch!  But then . . . he had to go out of state.  And the kids were being rabid rascals.  And all of a sudden my balloon deflated.  I was tired and worn out and just couldn't bear taking both of them somewhere alone AGAIN. 

I have a habit of looking back on events and thinking, "Why didn't I just push on through and GO!"  Well, dear future Jen, it is because some days it is okay to let the kids win and not leave the house.  Declare it a Pajama Day and let them play with bubbles outside and harass frogs.  I'm confident that in a few years these struggles will be different and hopefully less challenging . . . or challenging in a different way.

Toby's need for independence is strong; as was Ethan's as well.  Thankfully, I've almost figured out how to deal with Toby's public tantrums depending on the situation (hello breakable display at the library or a preschool classes lunch and water bottles at the park!) 

Ethan has also started using that dreaded phrase . . . you know . . . the, "It's not FAIR!" phrase.  *deep breath* yea . . . fun times.

So when I look back on this time period and think, why didn't I go to all of those fun things?  It was because I chose to minimize their rampaging and preserve some sanity.  They are little for such a short time and then the not-so-littleness buries in your chest and despite your logical reasoning you MISS these times.  So, I'm enjoying them.  Temper tantrums and all.


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