--Interlude-- I am fully aware that any story coming from Ethan's mouth can be completely fabricated no matter the plausibility because he is a Grandmaster in Storytelling.
And we're back. Off to Urgent Care where after waiting a bit longer than I would have liked, the medical person took one swift look and declared it cellulitis. Ethan has had cellulitis one other time (a skin infection that can become quite nasty if not caught in time - it is also capable of entering your blood stream and causing sepsis.) This isn't common with kids - sort of rare actually - and I'm trying not to freak out about it. I didn't receive the nickname Nurse Caldwell for nothing. If a rascal is injured Matt wisely hands them off to me. I am pretty brutal when it comes to cleaning wounds, inspections and other medical ministrations on the "boo boo" level. It makes me feel a tad culpable that he got cellulitis on my watch. It also means that my trip to pick up his antibiotics also yielded a whole new regime of wound washes, cleansers and first aid supplies. If you are in need of first aid, I have it all.
The most wonderful part of all of it . . . and yes, there is a wonderful part . . . is Ethan's smile. His attitude and smile were stellar. I understand he wasn't really in any pain and I had the iPad ready with plenty of frog and monster games but this kid completely rocked the whole adventure.
Now, today . . . we are having MAJOR trouble keeping the wee down. Yesterday was challenging enough but with no pain per se he doesn't think anything is wrong. Thankfully the low grade fever from yesterday has dissipated and the swelling has gone down.
So now, Ethan is in Frog Heaven outside with brudder. Happy and Healing.
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