Monday, August 26, 2013


So, Ethan's camp is over and school is just around the bend.  This is the first full week he has had at home in the past 2 months!  Sadly, it rained today but he did get some bug catching in for a few minutes.  A really HUGE grasshopper which I wouldn't let him bring with him in the car.  I know, I'm mean, but seriously, you just KNOW that he would have lost control of that bugger in the car and it would have gone straight in my hair!  Good thing there is no shortage of grasshoppers at our house :)

Tomorrow we are, of course, going to have to "do something."  Mommy bought some Unisom so hopefully I can sleep tonight.  Amazing what a week or so of insomnia can do to you . . . *squint . . . twitch.*

Despite my attempts to get crafty with the eldest (and I mean with crafts,) he wanted none of it.  I don't get it.  Ethan used to love, love, love coloring.  Now I have to beg him to color with me.  Toby is sort of getting in to it so maybe once he gets the "bug" Ethan will join in!  I even tried painting but that was a no go.  When it started raining and he couldn't "go catch Mommy a purple snake" everything spiraled out of control.  I put in a movie but it was too long, so we tried puzzles but he wandered away.  We read books for a good while but Toby isn't exactly "gentle" with Ethan's books.  Toby, for his part, refused to nap until well after 4pm which upset Ethan because I had to keep focusing on the fussy baby. 

I felt bad for Ethan in a way.  He has been surrounded by peers and teachers that make him the focus for the past two months and the transition back to the real life at home must be hard.  Mommy and Toby just weren't cool enough.  He finally resorted to crawling around with Toby (who would follow him ANYWHERE) and it was ridiculously cute.  Ethan would then race to the kitchen, run outside then make Toby laugh through the glass.  I attempted to get this on video but their spidey-senses picked up my intentions and they stopped.  Of course. 

I'm hoping the weather holds tomorrow.  I would really like to take Ethan to a park.  We haven't gone to a park together in months.  And while we have the most awesome play gym EVER in our backyard, Mommy has yet to be able to conjure up the friends that need to go with it.  Let's just say that out of 30 kids parents, I was the only one trying to get a play date together and after a few cancellations (due to flooding and then sickness) they stopped responding . . . I digress.  The park I want to go to generally has people we know there so I'm crossing my fingers the weather holds (although it doesn't look promising.)

I have back ups in mind.  One of which is the um, er, grocery store *blush*  What!  He is a great help at the store! 

So I have a few weeks with my growing up boy until he goes back to preschool 3 days a week.  I've missed him a lot, but I'm not so sure he missed me!  

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