Toby is cutting molars. I may have mentioned this before.
It is taking forever. Because my precious baby boy, the one who tends to be chill and all smiles is a whirling dervish of fuss and "can't make up my mind mom because I'm UNCOMFORTABLEZ." Do I thrash this way? Do I throw this toy? Do I try to gouge your eyes out because, "PAIN?" Do I hit the cat/brother/TV/daddy? How about I pretend I want to drink water only to spit it out everywhere? I know it has only been like a week but of the four, yes FOUR, molars he is cutting all at once only one has "erupted" with tiny dagger-like points. Two are thisclose and one is just a big ouchie bulge.
I have tried all of my tricks. No frozen washcloth, no chew toy, no Oragel, no teething tab will do. Nope, only Ibuprofen seems to do the trick. And oh how I loathe pumping my precious baby with chemicals.
A friend posted this on Facebook years ago it seems. Now . . . . now it
seems so appropriate. I'm quite certain Ethan had a tough time with
teething here and there but MAN O' LAKES! Poor Toby Muffinz is getting
the raw deal y'all!
We are clearly in Stage 3 here. However, that baby doesn't look nearly as uncomfortable as my lil' wee. In fact, when Toby isn't crying he is fussing and combative. Although today there were breaks in the clouds of pain n' misery and he actually SMILED at me a few times. I know. Amaze-balls.
So, in conclusion I hate molars. They are ruining my baby's happiness bubble and NOBODY gets to ruin my baby's happiness bubble!
P.S. Ethan started camp today and I think it was rough on him. He was in a horrible mood when he got home and was very clingy this evening. Usually he adjusts really well. Tomorrow I'm going to talk with his teacher to make sure everything is okay!
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