Friday, May 24, 2013

Here comes the rain . . . . now stop.

I remember last week.  Rumblings of, "We need rain!"  The crops!  The crops!  Well, look folks . . . you wished too hard.  The crops are gone, the fields are flooded, the roads washed out . . . well you get the picture.

Also, I really thought my kids were heavy sleepers.  Granted they have fans and sleep machines (white noise thingies) in their rooms.  But BOY HOWDY, that power went out and within two shakes of a lamb's tail they were both awake and screaming.  It was epic.  E P I C.

Also, also, I was hot and very tired and resembled something from a nightmare (attitude on par with appearance.)

The power was out for 5 hours.  The kids awake for 3 of those.  The next day I was a zombie and ordered Matt to purchase AC units PUH-LEEEEZE.

Then we realized yesterday our phones had been out.  At least *triumphant music* we have internetz!  Ah, glorious cable!  How I love thee.

So, washed out roads, flooding, etc.  Had to circumnavigate today north to go south.  Added about 45minutes to our normal 15min jaunt then I realized I probably shouldn't go home because it was still raining and what if I got stranded at home?  How would Ethan get home?!

Thankfully I have a most awesome sister-in-law in town whose roads were not flooded or washed out and she graciously let me "crash her pad" while I killed the 4 hours until I could pick up Ethan Wee from school.

Oh, not mentioned yet (because I just started this thing,) but Ethan had a very tough week behaviorally.  His behavior was in keeping with a group of boys he "hangs" with and I'm pretty sure they feed off one another.  That said, it isn't acceptable to hit, punch or push regardless of how much fun you are having at school.  Today, he did AWESOME.  So, he got a reward in the car (A COOKIE WOOTZ) and a movie when he got home.  Finding Nemo (thank gawd it wasn't Bolt.)

Ethanism:  The fact that this kid knows how to play the Quiet Game without me ever explaining it and he is GOOD at it.  Also, he usually falls asleep while playing it in the car (DOUBLE SCORE!)
Tobyism:  He has had an admittedly tough past couple of days.  My easy baby is super fuss.  He produced some . . .  interesting diapers today that make me think I fed him something vile (which I didn't think I did) or I ate something funky (also a mystery.)  But he did let me hold and cuddle him for approximately 6 minutes today and those moments were glorious.
Profound Moment: Knowing that if that man guarding your road with the big ROAD CLOSED sign doesn't let you pass because you live 3 minutes down that road right there sir you will go all momma bear on him because you have two precious children in the car that want to be home (maybe I wanted to make myself another coffee too . . . but really it was the kids.)
Web Discoveries: (I struggled with this one because really I've only visited Facebook today!)  But here is a photo on Pinterest that I really liked :D 

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